Lineage II Heretics
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Post  Shilien Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:32 pm

Safe enchant 5
max enchant 16
regular enchant rate 70%.
blessed enchant rate 90%

custom NPC's:
NPC buffer, 2 hour buffs.
Global gatekeeper
GM shop to A grade.
Grandboss GK.
Hellbound blacksmith, collect items from hellbound mobs and exchange them at this npc for moirai and vesper armor parts and icarus weapons.
Top pvp and pk npc.

Custom Antharas, Valakas, Beleth and Scarlet van Halisha raids, which drop elegia and vorpal gear. Zaken, Baium, and Baylor drop Vorpal.
Medals can be obtained from champion mobs, Glitering from the TvT event and random raid boss spawn event.

Edited skills:
Touch of Death:No longer cancels buffs, but status land rate increased. Chance enchant disabled.
Lightning Barrier: Activation rate decreased.
Mirage: Activation rate decreased.
Prominence:cast time decreased.
Hydro Blast: Power Increased.
Sand bomb, Bluff, Shield Bash, and lightning strike land rate increased.Chance enchant disabled.
^this list is preliminary , and other skills require further testing^

No donations!

Enjoy your stay Smile


Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-02-02

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